OH March. March has been a rollercoaster month so far. To be honest, I feel like I have just jumped off the deep end of the pool and forgotten how to swim! Yes, we have survived the sea of change by God’s grace, but it has been a definite spiritual struggle to stay afloat.
But on a most encouraging note, our God is still king. He is sustaining our souls forevermore. That is something we can be sure of on a daily basis. I can wake up in the morning and know that my God has given me salvation by crushing His most precious son for our sakes, and I do not have to fear condemnation ever again: Praise be to God! This is surely what gets me through each day that drags forever and each painful hour of knowing that the wind of change, of saying goodbye yet again, is just around the corner.
“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good?” Deut. 10:12-13
Isn’t our God good? Don’t you just feel thankful for His love after reading a refreshing passage like this? He is still living and active, loving His people just like He did the Israelites when He declared love like this to them thousands of years ago. I hope that bring you as much joy and encouragement as it has me today. We serve an amazing Creator!
I don’t have much to report or write about other than that. However, if I could ask you to pray for my Andrew as he tries to decide what path is best for our family in this flying career. We want to glorify the Lord in our decision and honor Him with the way we choose when we are indeed blessed with a family. The clock is ticking. We are down to three months now!!! YIKES!
I will leave you with some amazing footage of some up-close flying that we got to experience when my brother Tyler and his girlfriend Madison came to visit.

Truly a privilege to be able to do this with them!

Madison is SO excited! ;)

The pilot himself

He is preparing his very pricie vehicle for our show =)

WooHoo!! Here comes Andrew!!! (Too bad I couldn't upload the video-- it is amazing!)

... And here are the pilots that provided the day's entertainment wonderfully!