Well, as you can observe from this picture, we have not had the most beautiful day...
Very unmotivating really.
However, we got a lot done around here, despite the yuckiness!
And, for Little Eli's sake, we still got our walk in...
even if it didn't end pretty!
My sweet friend Lacy came over last night, cooked me yummy spagetti and helped me clean my house. It was such a treat and we had the best time just being together.
Since all the housework was completed last night, I decided to get back into the woodworking and decorating (well attempted decorating). I threw this look in for our bed instead of the previous one.
It looks more put together in my opinion.
(Eventually I will figure this decorating thing out!)
Oh! And I added some shelves...
They are empty shelves, but I am hoping, upon Andrew's arrival, they will be filled once quickly with books and other wonderful items that he will bring back from his trip ;)
Here is a sneak preview of my hamper system.
I intend to put curtains on the side of it to conceal the ugly hampers and add some style to this functional piece!
But I am in no hurry at the moment.
I finally finished the daybed! YEY!
(Please pay no attention to the ugly sheets and decor I have going on around it.. I will soon change all of this as well. But hey, its a start at least!
I gave Andrew's Philmont poster a space on the wall.
This made him very happy :)
Ok, and here is where I hit a wall. I have ABSOLUTELY no inspiration for this room.
Everytime I try something new in it, I find I really dont like it.
Luckily, it will be well used by our new dogsitter Steven for the month :)
I will work on it later.
Oh, and I did some things to the guest bath as well..
Like added a new mirror! Yey! No more yucky 3 Panel medicine cabinet mirror!
Ok, well, Eli and I are completely wiped....,
Be praying for my Andrew as we go on day 9 of separation. It's nice to know its going so quickly, but I am already looking forward to the time we will be together again! Well, he is calling in-- gotta run!
Blessings-- XOXO